Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to increase the breast size and enhance shape. This is one of the most popular procedures performed today. Breast implants can be used are used to improve asymmetrical breasts, reconstruct one or both breasts after mastectomy, or correct congenital breast deformities or misshaped breast volume lost after pregnancy or weight loss.

However, breast augmentation surgery is not designed to lift sagging breasts. But, a breast lift surgery can be performed in conjunction with breast augmentation surgery for clients who desire to lift and increase the size of their breasts.

Breast Augmentation Procedure

To start, your doctor will outline where incisions will be made with a marker. The marks will differ depending on a patient’s breasts, their wants and needs, and the doctor’s preference. Following this, the incisions will be made and anesthesia will be administered to make you comfortable and numb to pain. The implants will then be inserted through the incisions. You will have the choice of saline and silicone implants, as well as a decision on the size, shape, and texture of your implants, prior to your procedure.

Smiling woman in jeans and shirt sitting on couch. Surgeon holding silicone implants in his hands. breast augmentation dr roussalis plastic surgeon delaware

Implant Types

There are two types of implants available, saline and silicone. Saline implants consist of an outer layer silicone shell that is filled with a saltwater solution after the implant is placed in the breast pocket. With a saline implant, a patient must be at least 18 years of age. On the other hand, silicone implants are made of an outer silicone shell filled with an elastic silicone gel. Unlike saline implants, these implants are filled prior to insertion. With this insertion, patients must be at least 22 years of age.


Following surgery, bruising and swelling may be apparent for a couple of weeks. Most patients return to work after 10 days of their breast augmentation procedure, but strenuous activity should be avoided for up to six weeks post surgery. A compression garment should also be worn to provide support during the entire recovery process. Following your physician’s instructions is crucial for a successful surgery and recovery.

Dr. John Roussalis and his staff are very experienced in breast augmentation surgery and can guarantee you will be in the right hands. If you have any questions on plastic surgery or other services we offer, feel free to visit our website for more information.