Breast Augmentation FAQs

The breast augmentation procedure is a very common technique to improve the contour, size, shape, and overall appearance of the breasts. In fact, over 193,000 people have gone through the procedure in 2020. At Premier Cosmetic Surgery, we offer a wide variety of services, including breast augmentation near me. While this procedure is done fairly frequently at plastic surgery clinics, there are still a few questions that patients may have before deciding to get a natural breast augmentation.

How Do I Know If I Would Be A Good Candidate For A Breast Augmentation?

Ideal candidates for this procedure are patients who:

  • Are in good physical and mental health
  • Have realistic expectations for their goals
  • Communicate their goals, concerns, and questions to the surgeon before, during, and after the procedure
  • Do not smoke

If you are looking for breast augmentation surgery near me, your local plastic surgery practice, such as Premier Cosmetic Surgery, is a great place to start. Our staff will walk you through the whole process, from choosing your implants to post-surgery care.

Can I Choose Which Implants I Get?

Yes! During the consultation before the natural breast augmentation, patients can examine the implants before the procedure to see which ones they would like. Breast implants come in all shapes, sizes, and fillings. Your plastic surgeon can assist you in deciding which ones would be best for you and your goals, but ultimately, you can decide which ones you go with. During this process, the surgeon will also talk with you about where you would like the incisions to be placed. This can depend on a variety of factors, including breastfeeding, tattoos, and more.

What Are The Steps Of This Procedure?

The breast augmentation surgery near me is a relatively simple procedure. After anesthesia is administered, the plastic surgeon will make incisions in the selected locations. The implants will then be inserted into the incisions. Finally, the incisions will be sutured and bandaged. Once the breast augmentation near me is finished, the surgeon will inform you of proper after-care and provide a compression garment for you to wear during the entire recovery period.

What Are Some Tips To Make The Results Last Longer?

Breast implants will have to be replaced every 10-20 years, but the overall results of natural breast augmentation are long-lasting. As long as the post-operation care is performed correctly, you can enjoy your new body for a long time to come.

Premier Cosmetic Surgery | Breast Augmentation Near Me

At Premier Cosmetic Surgery, we are dedicated to assisting you in achieving the body of your dreams. Our staff will ensure you are comfortable and happy from the moment you step through our doors. For more information about our services, including breast augmentation near me, please visit our website.